Pool Rules

Big Bend Woods Bath and Tennis Club

Rules and Regulations


  • Admission to the pool is limited to members in good standing, their immediate families and guests. One-day passes are not available. 
  • Entrance to the pool facilities requires that all members must stop at the guard shack to check in with a lifeguard via e-pass or key fob.  
  • Admission to the pool is refused to all persons having any contagious or infectious disease.  
  • No pets are allowed inside the pool facility. 
  • No glass of any kind is allowed inside the pool facility. 


  • Guests will not be admitted into the pool unless accompanied by a current BBW member.  
  • Guest fees are $5.00 per person. (Age 2 and under are free). 
  • Guests must check in at the guard shack and provide their name, age, and attend with a current BBW member. 
  • Members may not bring more than 4 guests to the pool at one time. Parties of 10 or more must reserve the party pavilion. Check availability here.  
  • Childcare providers who are not members of BBW may only be admitted when accompanying children of members. There is no extra charge for babysitters or grandparents. 
  • Members are responsible for guest’s conduct at all times.  

Pool Area

  • Swimmers age 12 and below must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or babysitter (13 years or older) while inside the pool facilities. 
  • A lifeguard may request, at any time, for a child to perform a swim test to ensure the swimmer is strong enough to swim without an adult present. The test will consist of swimming two full lengths of the deep end and treading water for 20 seconds. A parent/guardian must be present during the swim test.  
  • Food and drinks are allowed inside the pool facility. However, all food and drinks must remain 8 feet from the pool at all times. Gum is not permitted. All trash and waste materials are to be placed in the proper disposal containers on the pool deck.  
  • Tobacco, e-cigarette, and vape use is only allowed at least 10 feet outside of the fenced area or on the back patio.  
  • Glass containers of any kind are strictly prohibited anywhere in the facility. Any item that is regularly packaged in glass must be transferred to a non-breakable, plastic container prior to entering the facility.
  • Adult Swim will occur each hour, on the hour, or at the discretion of lifeguards based upon attendance at the time. Adult Swim will extend for 10 minutes, during which time all individuals under 18 years of age must be sitting completely out of the pool. 
  • Appropriate behavior is expected at all times anywhere within the pool facility. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Those members/guests may be asked to leave the premises. If necessary, police enforcement officials may be contacted. 
  • Chairs & loungers are primarily for use by adults. Children should relinquish them if pool and/or deck begin to fill up.
  • Hard balls, tennis balls, hard frisbees, piggyback rides, and aerial stunts are not permitted inside the pool. 
  • Inflatables, swim fins, masks, water guns and all other accessories shall be allowed in the pool at the lifeguard’s discretion.  
  • No child under the age of 10 will be permitted in the pool unattended until he/she can demonstrate the ability, upon request, to swim one width of the pool in good form and tread water for at least 30 seconds… Parent or legal guardian must be present during testing. 
  • Running and rough play is prohibited in the pool area at all times. This includes tag and chicken fight games. 
  • Distracting a lifeguard while on duty will not be permitted. Any child or adult who impedes upon a lifeguard’s ability to perform their duties will be asked to leave.  
  • Lifeguards are at liberty to sit a child out of the pool after 3 verbal warnings from breaking a pool rule. 
  • Only swimming apparel will be allowed while swimming. No shorts or cut-offs. 
  • No diving in water less than 6 feet deep.
  • Alcohol: NO ONE under the age of 21 may consume or possess alcohol on Club property.  Adults who provide alcohol to minors will be reported to the City of Manchester Police and membership will be terminated.  You assume ALL risks associated with consuming alcoholic beverages on Club property, and off.
  • Pavilion rentals are only permitted to the primary Members (Heads of Household) listed on Membership registration.  Rentals are not permitted on behalf of minors where the responsible adult is not present.


  • All swimmers must be sitting on the side while the diving board is in use. For the safety of all swimmers, casual swimming or wading in the deep end is prohibited while the diving board is occupied.  
  • Only one person is allowed on the diving board at a time. 
  • Only one spring is permitted, no double bounces. 
  • Divers may only jump straight off of the board- no sideways or backwards jumps. Backflips are not permitted.  
  • No handstands or cartwheels off the diving board. 
  • Always check the diving area to be certain that it is clear of swimmers prior to diving. 
  • After diving, the diver must swim directly to the side of the pool or ladder nearest the bard and leave the deep end. 
  • Swimmers using water wings or flotation devices may not go off the diving board or enter the deep end.  
  • No hanging on the rope in the deep end. 
  • No hanging on the diving board in the deep end.  
  • No inflatables, kickboards, or toys may be used on the diving board or in the deep end. Goggles and water balls are allowed.   

Baby Pool

  • Parents/guardians must stay with their children for the entirety of their time in the baby pool. There is no lifeguard on duty for the baby pool.  
  • No children over the age of 6 are allowed in the baby pool (including adult swim).  
  • Babies will not be permitted in any pool without a proper swim diaper.  

Pool Property

  • All members shall drive slowly and carefully on the parking lot and temporary grass parking area.
  • Damage to club property, including trees and shrubbery, will not be permitted. Any person that shall cause such damage shall be held personally responsible. Individuals guilty of abuse, vandalism or theft of pool property will be suspended for the season. Serious offenders will be prosecuted.



Our lifeguards are responsible for maintaining a safe environment to ensure all members and guests have an enjoyable time. Lifeguards have the authority to enforce the pool rules and supervise the general conduct of pool users. Damage to club property, including trees and shrubbery, will not be permitted. Any person that shall cause such damage shall be held personally responsible. Individuals guilty of abuse, vandalism or theft of pool property will be suspended for the season. Serious offenders will be prosecuted.

Any person(s) who refuses to follow the direction of the lifeguards will be reported to Management and the Board of Directors for appropriate action. Misconduct (as reported by a lifeguard and/or witnessed by a member of the Board while confirmed by witness of multiple patrons) will not be tolerated and could result in termination of pool membership for the season. Membership Fees will not be returned to anyone having lost their membership as a result of misconduct to the club rules. 

  • 1st Offense – Contact from the Board of Directors and Probationary Status for the Members for the period of 2 weeks (there will be no use of any BBW B&T facilities while on probation). No refund of Membership Fees will be given to a member on Probation.
  • 2nd Offense – Contact from the Board of Directors, loss of membership, no refund of membership fees.